Sunday, February 4, 2007

Journal Jan 27, 2007

As I recall the blaring headline read, “90% of NC Teachers are Listed Highly Qualified”. The article went on to state that 90 % of the teachers in NC met the Federal standards for teacher qualifications. My immediate thought was that 10 percent of our teachers do not meet the standard teacher qualifications. Chances are your kid is being taught by one of them!

I am doing this from memory since the paper was used to clean up spilt paint. So the quotes may not be exact, but one of the comments from a school official that caught my attention was, “Research confirms that teachers who are trained in the disciplines they teach either through undergraduate or graduate training are more qualified then those who have not had training.” Duh! I’ll bet it was grant research that lasted 20 years. The article went on to imply how hard and unfair it is to expect the school system to come up with teachers that met the standards. Yep! Lets keep hiring the uneducated and liberal to teach our kids. Dang if we got all highly qualified teacher and still turned out a stupid kid who would take the blame? Not the Highly Qualified teachers.


Anonymous said...

I never make all-encompassing statements, never. However, I refuse to count any teacher “highly qualified” if they have never earned a living in the field/subject they teach.

Josh said...

after teaching for a few years (and being heavily biased against professional educators), i can say there are actually many highly qualified teachers. in fact, there are many more highly qualified teachers than highly qualified parents.. and when the parents stop asking the public schools to raise their kids, i bet test scores will improve!

Josh said...

btw, how long have you been blogging?

Seth said...

Josh, I am new at this. Just started about a month ago. I agree with both you and Bennie that the parents are a major problem, but I think that maybe we all have failed in that we have allowed the radical liberals idiots to dictate the education of American children. Text books have been rewritten, facts changed to accommodate their political and live style positions. I don’t have kids but from my observation it appears that our schools teach very little basic education, the 3-R’s. It is more social and feel good about everyone instead of solid education.